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[Official] Guild Wars 2 (B2P) & Free to Play (F2P)

[Official] Guild Wars 2 (B2P) & Free to Play (F2P)
![[Official] Guild Wars 2 (B2P) & Free to Play (F2P)](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2024/08/24/8021268_20240824094845.jpg)
Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds
Expansion ke-5, release tgl 20 Agustus 2024.
Announcement Trailer | Launch Trailer
![[Official] Guild Wars 2 (B2P) & Free to Play (F2P)](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2022/12/21/8021268_20221221042728.jpg)
Guild Wars 2, 2022 Awards:
PCGamer Best Ongoing Game 2022: Guild Wars 2
Players' Choice MMORPG of the Year: Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons
MassivelyOP’s 2022 Awards: Best New MMO Class: Guild Wars 2's Mechanist
MassivelyOP’s 2022 Awards: MMO Studio of the Year: ArenaNet
MassivelyOP’s 2022 Awards: MMO Expansion of the Year: End of Dragons
MassivelyOP’s 2022 Awards: Best MMO Business Model
(Total langsung borong 6 Awards untuk tahun 2022

Bonus 2023:
Guild Wars 2 Developer ArenaNet Honored As Extra Life's Partner Of The Year
Guide Untuk Pemain Baru, silahkan klik banner di atas atau sini.
Setelah itu jangan lupa mampir FAQ.
New Player Guide dan FAQ ini akan memberikan berbagai informasi dan
menghindari skenario seperti "Things I Wish I Knew Sooner".
Sedangkan yang di bawah ini adalah link video Guide yang lebih advance, rekomendasi di tonton kalau sudah mempunyai karakter max lv 80 agar informasi, istilah, dll bisa lebih mudah di pahami.
The Interface, Combat, Boons and Conditions,
Gear and Attributes.
Setelah itu jangan lupa mampir FAQ.
New Player Guide dan FAQ ini akan memberikan berbagai informasi dan
menghindari skenario seperti "Things I Wish I Knew Sooner".
Sedangkan yang di bawah ini adalah link video Guide yang lebih advance, rekomendasi di tonton kalau sudah mempunyai karakter max lv 80 agar informasi, istilah, dll bisa lebih mudah di pahami.
The Interface, Combat, Boons and Conditions,
Gear and Attributes.
Experience the Thrill of Battle
Fight alongside other players, manipulate buffs and conditions to destroy your foes and bolster your allies, and work with friends to create deadly skill combinations.
![[Official] Guild Wars 2 (B2P) & Free to Play (F2P)](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2015/09/11/8021268_20150911021826.jpg)
Fight with – and Againts – Other Players
The people in the world around you matter. Whether you're working alongside them to achieve a common goal or going head‑to‑head to determine who the better combatant is, other players in Guild Wars 2 represent opportunity.
![[Official] Guild Wars 2 (B2P) & Free to Play (F2P)](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2015/09/11/8021268_20150911022251.jpg)
Create your character and enter a living, breathing world.
Create an account, download the Guild Wars 2 streaming client
and begin your journey for free.
and begin your journey for free.
Perbedaan Account : Free, Core, Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire.
Spoiler for spoiler:
Note: Size Client Guild Wars 2 berkisar 69 GB (Juli 2024)
Minimum System Requirements.
Spoiler for spoiler:
Daftar Isi :
~RULES (wajib dibaca)~
Diubah oleh gw2id 24-08-2024 03:11

CrossLight dan 7 lainnya memberi reputasi

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halo, baru nyobain main 3 hari dan tertarik buat beli expansinya. tp denge2 bakal ada expasi baru tahun ini. yg jadi pertanyaan klo beli expasi yg sekarang apa harus beli expasi yg baru lg nanti?