NomadFactory Retrology M-Tone EQ Retrology Motown is a collection of two plug-ins, Retro Film-Tone and Retro Music-Tone, designed to improve the quality of digital sound recordings. These plug-ins recreate the warm sound qualities of legendary analog hardware passive equalizers used by Motown en...
Schaak Audio Transient Shaper v2.02 VST Transient Shaper allows shaping the dynamics with 2 knobs only, making it uniquely easy and fast to use - yet its sonic manipulation scape ranges from gate-like to compressor-like. V2.02 features analog saturation, 3 Attack shapes & 3 Release shapes. V1.11...
TraxSource Kaskade Sound Library Vol.1 ps:bagi yang suka chill out dj kaskade This is a professional sample bank designed by Kaskade for producers looking for unique and interesting house music loops that will rock the floor. All loops are set at 126 bpm and are ready to be stacked to create you...
sound forge 9 mini The Sound Forge 9 professional digital audio production suite includes everything you need to quickly get from raw audio to finished master. Use this suite to create and edit stereo and multichannel audio files with speed and precision. Efficiently analyze, record and edit aud...
Native Instruments Traktor Pro Traktor PRO is the latest incarnation of the dj software that is often referred to as industry standard. With a whole host of new features, enhancements and innovations, traktor pro sets a new standard for creativity, reliability and sheer power for computer Djs. B...
DarkWave Studio 2 This program is designed for the composition, synthesis and recording of digital music. It is great as a production tool and is also very suitable for live performance. If you have a little knowledge of music composition and sound design you will have no trouble making great mu...
Native Instruments Guitar Rig 3 GUITAR RIG 3 is the ultimate all-in-one guitar and bass solution. Simply connect your guitar with your computer via the enhanced Rig Kontrol 3 foot pedal and you are ready to go. The on-board studio-quality soundcard routes the signal to your speakers, while the s...
Cakewalk Sonitus FX Plugin Suite VST DX Sonitus:fx are a series of professional audio processing tools for digital audio editing, sound design, games, multimedia, film or studio work. These plug-ins have been enhanced with DirectX automation, and can be use with SONAR, Home Studio, Proje...
MixMeister Fusion ProDJ MixMeister Fusion is a powerful application miksująca / sekwnecjująca, which gives a greater ability to your extending its remixes and production mixes beyond traditional mixes. The program allows for reconfiguring the mix principle DAW software. This a...
LUXONIX Purity VSTi PURITY is a next generation of digital musical instrument workstation and PCM sound module software. PURITY is designed to realize and surpass the hardware musical instrument workstation perfectly on computer-based music production environments offering higher sound quality ...
Iya sony producer featurenya kurang lengkap bro..daku udah check tkp..dan ya softwarenya bagusan GURU(friendly user lagi) . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nethernet Mopis VSTi 1.2.2 Mopis is a high-quality software synthesizer that combines traditional...
udah gw coba gan!! beh handal beut ..wave plugins emang ga ada matinye!!(terutama L2) top gan!! agak tidak nyangka aja ya kecil instalasinya..masih mencoba2 nih..enak simulasi amplynya ..rada beda ama amptube sama gitar rig .. videonya ada reverse ya..edan jg eui yg maen gitar
wah..simulasi yang patut dicoba itu apa ya gan.. wah iya dualtone ya ..wah harus cepat2 dicoba nih.. :) trus keliatan gak gan routingnya kaya di pod farm platinum?
Wah mr.apa lo baca2 bisa review ulas sedikit wave Gtr ..mau dicoba.. apa ada link buat download warezznya? lebih top gan :)
wes sonar udah ampe 8 yak..agak nakal nih ga terlalu compatible sama soundcard2 ...tapi buat belajar.."top bgt" gw jatuh cintrong bgt sama quantize audionya hihi .. maaf for the late reply gan.. ah ic situ jatuhnya beli m-audio pci card ya..ya itu bro kelemahan pci card..kadang mereka ...
Gw lagi suka musik2 powerpop yang pioneernya lebih ke the who ama beachboys nih the newpornographer , sloan , locksley(ini agak beatles) , the a-sides , the chalks,the sheers ... nah yang the sheers ini nih gw cari ampe bulu ketek gw rontok jg ga dapet2 :( kalo pop punk ada nih..soul shoes ..sebe...
alamat lengkapnya system dong..wa boleh kan join ikut gathnya? siapa tau ada recycle reason ada yang punya..i bisa sedot..begitu jg koleksi igo :D
behringer lumayan lah..sayang produksinya semua di cina totally..iya toh gw sebut merek2 diatas juga yang umum2 kok.. ah m-audio ..mayan lah phonic malah lebih murah lagi buat kelas mixer.. IO 8 2 .. Danger Ranger maen dong ke jakarta..manggung disini..penasaran eui
Jatuhnya -1 ya..tapi its ok kok..drummer kan enak ga perlu denger monitor dari yang lain..monitornya yaitu dari -1 ... band ini udah ada sound engineer ya buat FOH? btw yang megang peranan laptop itu udah bisa dibilang sound engineer monitor loh dari kasus diatas..dan DJ sekalian.. mixernya pake ...