[Private Server] Legion SMANSES, World of Warcraft 7.3.5 Server Indonesia
[Private Server] Legion SMANSES, World of Warcraft 7.3.5 Server Indonesia
Spoiler for Pindah ke patch WoTLK:
Hello Para Pecinta World of Warcraft
Kami melanjutkan untuk membuka server Ekspansi Legion untuk Private Server SMANSES, setelah sebelumnya menjalankan Ekspansi Wrath of the Lich Kingdan Mists of Pandaria.
Sekedar info, Blizzard telah mengeluarkan 7 Expansi
Expansi 1 : World of Warcraft Vanilla
Expansi 2 : World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade
Expansi 3 : World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King
Expansi 4 : World of Warcraft Cataclysm
Expansi 5 : World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria
Expansi 6 : World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor
Expansi 7 : World of Warcraft Legion
Expansi terakhir tadi sudah mencakup content expansi sebelumnya.
Spoiler for Server Legion SMANSES:
Spoiler for Server Legion SMANSES:
Informasi Server :
Script from Ashamane Core
Expansi : Legion, Current Patch
Rate XP : 1x hingga 10x (pilih di NPC Krauss di tiap starter zone)
Rate gold : 1x
Rate drop : 1x
Rate Reputation : 3x
Rate Profesi : 1x
Class Hall Basics (WIP)
World Quests
Challenge Mode (Mythic+)
Legion scripts (WIP)
Darkheart Thicket
Eye Of Azshara
Mardum (DH start zone)
Emerald Nightmare (1/7)
Tomb of Sargeras (1/9)
Wod Scripts (WIP)
full blizzlike Jungle of Tanaan intro
Garrison pre-quests (for both Horde & Alliance)
Garrison building activation
Bloodmaul Slagmines
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
Pandaria Scripts
all dungeons & world bosses
All Cataclysm zones spawns
All Mist of Pandaria zones spawns
All Draenor zones spawns
All Legion zones spawns (including Class Halls)
Spesifikasi Server
Intel Xeon
Koneksi 100 Mbps
Saat ini kita migrasi ke patch WoTLK atas permintaan player. dan mengalami peningkatan player menjadi 3200+ dan max online bersamaan sekitar 250+ player
Silahkan daftar di http://lichking.smanses.com