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Because I'm a Man [TAMAT]

Because I'm a Man [TAMAT]
Because I'm a Man
![Because I'm a Man [TAMAT]](https://dl.kaskus.id/i.imgur.com/8n8jcHb.jpg?1)
Cover by quatzlcoatl
Cause I'm a Man - Tame Impala
Like the brutal autumn sun
It dawns on me, what have I done?
Saying sorry ain't as good as saying why
But it buys me a little more time
Lost in the moment for a second time
Each fucking doubt I make, unleash a cry
I'm just pathetic, that's the reason why
In desperation, all that you can do is ask me why
Cause I'm a man, woman
Don't always think before I do
Cause I'm a man, woman
That's the only answer I've got for you
Cause I'm a man, woman
Not often proud of what I choose
I'm a human, woman
A greater force I answer to
Once again, as it takes a hold
I am aware I'm not in control
You see, I have a conscience and it's never fooled
But it's prone to be overruled
You wanna know what I always think I'm bind by
You never accept defeat or let it slide
But I have no voice if I don't speak my mind
My weakness is the source of all my pride, I'll tell you why
Cause I'm a man, woman
Don't always think before I do
Cause I'm a man, woman
That's the only answer I've got for you
Cause I'm a man, woman
I'll never be as strong as you
I'm a human, human
A greater force I answer to

Like the brutal autumn sun
It dawns on me, what have I done?
Saying sorry ain't as good as saying why
But it buys me a little more time
Lost in the moment for a second time
Each fucking doubt I make, unleash a cry
I'm just pathetic, that's the reason why
In desperation, all that you can do is ask me why
Cause I'm a man, woman
Don't always think before I do
Cause I'm a man, woman
That's the only answer I've got for you
Cause I'm a man, woman
Not often proud of what I choose
I'm a human, woman
A greater force I answer to
Once again, as it takes a hold
I am aware I'm not in control
You see, I have a conscience and it's never fooled
But it's prone to be overruled
You wanna know what I always think I'm bind by
You never accept defeat or let it slide
But I have no voice if I don't speak my mind
My weakness is the source of all my pride, I'll tell you why
Cause I'm a man, woman
Don't always think before I do
Cause I'm a man, woman
That's the only answer I've got for you
Cause I'm a man, woman
I'll never be as strong as you
I'm a human, human
A greater force I answer to
"A man's ego is just as fragile as a woman's heart"
Sebelumnya gue mau izin kepada Moderator dan Penghuni forum Stories From The Heart. Gue sudah lumayan lama membaca kisah kisah para sesepuh forum ini dan gue merasa sangat terinspirasi untuk membagikan kisah nyata gue.
Mohon maaf jika cerita gue kurang menarik, gaya penulisan gue yang masih kaku dan sangat amburadul serta ada salah dalam pengetikan atau bisa dibilang typo karena ini adalah pengalaman pertama gue menulis di forum sebesar seperti kaskus
Rules di thread ini sama seperti rules yang ada di forum SFTH dan demi kenyamanan semua pihak di dalam cerita gue,nama tokoh semuanya gue samarkan,termasuk diri gue sendiri.
Di dalam hidup kita akan bertemu dua orang yang sangat istimewa. Yang pertama adalah dia yang berusaha mengubah caramu melihat dirimu dan duniamu. Yang kedua adalah dia yang mampu membuatmu kembali percaya diri setelah kehilangan orang yang pertama.
Nama gue Roni, dan inilah kisah gue.
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Thanks to mud.wrestler for made a playlist in spotify.
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