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All About Graphic Tablet, Pen Tablet, Interactive Pen Display
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nih yg namanya interactive pen display emoticon-Big Grin

All About Graphic Tablet, Pen Tablet, Interactive Pen Display

sebelah kanan warna hitam emoticon-Wowcantik... sama percis ama yg ada dimeja gw emoticon-Embarrassment tp gw gk pake cinema display / Imac ..pakenya LCD Acer 19" jauh lebih murah emoticon-Hammer

nih ada lagi emoticon-Big Grin
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nah kalo yg dibawah ini ukurannya lebih besar... 21" UXGA emoticon-Wowcantik
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accesories wacom only...

All About Graphic Tablet, Pen Tablet, Interactive Pen Display

Intuos3 Art Pen
With six dimensions of pen control, the Intuos3 Art Pen offers you 360 degrees of barrel rotation, allows you tilt the pen in any direction, and allows you to easily change pen position on the fly. Features include 1,024 levels of pressure-sensitivity, a large grip area for enhanced comfort, both hard plastic and felt nibs for different "feels", and utilizes Wacom's patented cordless, battery-free technology for reliable and consistent operation.

All About Graphic Tablet, Pen Tablet, Interactive Pen Display

Intuos3 Airbrush
The Airbrush is tilt sensitive and has a pressure-sensitive tip and eraser like the Grip Pen. It also includes a finger wheel to control brush dynamics like flow, colour, scatter or opacity.

All About Graphic Tablet, Pen Tablet, Interactive Pen Display
Intuos3 Lens Cursor
The extremely accurate Lens Cursor is the ideal tool for CAD/CAE applications and 2D/3D graphics applications. The rotating Lens Cursor gives both left-handed and right-handed users a perfect line of sight with personal preference and comfort.

All About Graphic Tablet, Pen Tablet, Interactive Pen Display
Intuos3 Mouse
It delivers around 4 times the resolution of an optical mouse, with 5 programmable buttons for easy access to frequently used modifiers, keystrokes or clicks plus a scroll wheel that works on both PC and Macintosh platforms. All the mouse settings can be customized in the Wacom control panel.

jenis2 mata pena (wacom only)

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1. standart nip (warna putih ) = mata pena standart bawaan dari wacom bamboo, wacom intuos yg terpasang di pen nya

2. felt nip (warna hitam) = hanya didapat dari seri intuos3 dan cintiq .. mata pena yg dibuat khusus utk meningkatkan kesan gesekan antara mata pena dengan permukaan active area wacom yang menghasilkan kesan bener2 mirip seperti "pencil on paper"

3. stroke nip (warna abu2 dan ada per nya) = hanya didapat dari seri intuos3 dan cintiq .. mata pena yg ada "dual spring" atau "per" utk meningkatkan respons dan kesan seperti memakai kuas. enak utk mewarnai (more brush-like response)

intuos 3 series

All About Graphic Tablet, Pen Tablet, Interactive Pen Display

bamboo fun dan bamboo series

All About Graphic Tablet, Pen Tablet, Interactive Pen Display

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