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Cina Ungguli AS Sebagai Negara Ekonomi Nomor 1 Di Dunia

Untuk pertamakalinya Cina Ungguli AS Sebagai Negara Ekonomi Nomor 1 Di Dunia. Begitulah menurut data IMF berdasarkan purchasing power parity (PPP). Tahun 2014 China capai $17.6 trillion (Rp 214 ribu Trilyun) atau 16.48% dari total GDP Dunia berdasarkan PPP. Sementara AS hanya $17.4 trillion, begitu laporan IMF dan juga Bank Dunia.

Majunya ekonomi Cina tak lepas dari murahnya biaya hidup dan biaya operasi perusahaan di sana. Sehingga perusahaan2 AS pun seperti Nike, Reebok, HP, dsb memindahkan pabriknya ke Cina agar bisa memproduksi barang lebih murah.

Bayangkan, Pointer Laser buatan AS dulu Rp 300 ribu. Sekarang buatan Cina, Rp 5 ribu saja sudah dapat.

Murahnya biaya operasional di Cina tak lepas subsidi Indonesia di bidang Gas dan Batubara. Untuk Gas Cina dapat subsidi sekitar Rp 180 trilyun / tahun dengan penjualan Gas Tangguh yang murah. Meski harga minyak Dunia menembus US$ 100/barrel, harga gas Indonesia hanya dihargai maksimal sebesar US$ 38/barrel. Artinya hanya 1/3 harga gas di Indonesia.

According to the International Comparison Program (ICP), under the authority of the United Nations and hosted by the World Bank, new assessments put China's economy at 87% of the size of the US in 2011.

That was three years ago. And in 2005, the same organisation put China at only 43%.

But, the latest figures from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2012 put China's economic output at about half the size of the US.

China's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2012 was $8.2tn (£4.9tn) while the US was $16.2tn.

The difference is that these are nominal GDP figures, so they are based on exchange rates.
If based on PPP, then China has surpassed US as world's largest economy. But if it based on US$ currency, US is still number one.

China surpasses US as world's largest economy based on key measure

Is China about to overtake US as the world's largest economy?

China Could Overtake the U.S. as the World’s No. 1 Economy This Year
New data from the World Bank suggests China could surpass the U.S. as the world’s biggest economy as early as this year, a day that was always meant to arrive after China began its quest for wealth in the 1980s, but it will just veil the reality of its economic weaknesses

China’s Economy Surpassing U.S.? Well, Yes and No
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