Cycling is a pleasure
Cycling is the sensation of adrenaline
Cycling is a lifestyle
Because we believe, that you all look at a bike, not just a means of transportation,
but also part of a lifestyle.
Agent Series, pertama kali diproduksi oleh Wim Cycle pada tahun 2010. Didesain melalui proses pengembangan dan inovasi teknologi yang modern dan canggih, serta diujicoba oleh atlet-atlet sepeda profesional, membuat Agent Seriesmenjadi pilihan terbaik untuk semua orang yang mendambakan adrenalin dan sensasi dalam bersepeda.
Frame terbuat dari aluminium berkualitas, dan penggunaan sparepart terbaik, membuat Agent Seriestidak saja nyaman dikendarai, tapi juga memberikan nilai tambah, yaitu tumbuhnya rasa percaya diri karena kemewahannya, sehingga pantas disebut bahwa Agent Series adalah "kasta" tertinggi dari produk Wim Cycle.
Agent Series terbagi menjadi dua merk, yaitu Adrenaline Agent dan Thrill Agent. Perbedaan mendasar untuk kedua merk ini adalah di suspensi frame. Frame Adrenaline Agent didesain menggunakan suspensi (full suspension), sedang frame Thrill Agent didesain tanpa suspensi (hardtail).
Sedangkan merk Adrenaline Agent, masih terbagi lagi menjadi banyak tipe, yaitu: Cross Country (XC), All Mountain (AM), Free Ride (FR), dan Down Hill (DH) - cekidot:
Dengan alasan permintaan para member, maka thread ini yang tujuan awalnya spesial untuk membahas Adrenaline Agent XC Series (mulai dari pertama dirilis pada tahun 2010, sampai dengan produk terakhir), maka mulai 1 Maret 2012 topik pembahasan diperluas menjadi Adrenaline Agent All Series.
Spoiler for Triple Butted Technology:
What is a triple-butted tube?
A triple-butted tube means it has three different wall thicknesses along its length e.g. 0.9mm/0.5mm/0.7mm.
How are butted tubes made?
There are several steps in manufacturing butted tubing, and the process varies depending on the method used to butt the tube, and whether the tube is seamless or welded. For steel tubing, the basic tube is either made from a pierced billet if it is a seamless tube, or from a formed-and-welded sheet if it is a welded tube.
Typically, a seamless tube will be made from a billet of steel about 10 inches in diameter and 3 feet long. After heating to over 1000 C, a hole is pierced through the center to form a very thick-walled tube. The wall thickness and diameter of this tube are then progressively reduced by hot rolling and cold drawing until it is sized for the butting process.
Welded tube is made from flat strip, which is formed into a tube and welded along its length. This is a straightforward way of making a tube, but care is necessary to avoid structural and cosmetic defects at the weld.
In a mandrel press, the tube is pushed through a die sinking it down onto the mandrel. The die determines the outside diameter and the profile of the tube, while the mandrel sets the inside diameters and defines the wall-thickness profile. After this process, the mandrel is trapped inside the tube in a conventional double-butted geometry, where the end wall thickness is greater than in the middle section. The mandrel is removed after reeling the tube between angled rotating rollers, which increases the diameter while having a negligible affect on the wall thickness. Finally, the outside diameter is sized by pushing the tube once again through a die.
The processes above can also be applicable to aluminium butted tube. Each of these products have specific technical challenges that required innovative techniques to be used. (Source: Reynolds Technology).
Kerangka frame sepeda Agent Series menggunakan Triple Butted Tubing, yang merupakan penipisan pipa di bagian yang tidak terlalu kritis sehingga pipa menjadi lebih ringan tanpa mengurangi kekakuan dan kekuatannya. (Source:
Spoiler for Hidroforming Technology:
Hydroforming (or hydramolding) is a cost-effective way of shaping malleable metals such as aluminum or brass into lightweight, structurally stiff and strong pieces.
Hydroforming is a specialized type of die forming that uses a high pressure hydraulic fluid to press room temperature working material into a die. To hydroform aluminum, a hollow tube of aluminum is placed inside a negative mold that has the shape of the desired end result. High pressure hydraulic pumps then inject fluid at very high pressure inside the aluminum which causes it to expand until it matches the mold. The hydroformed aluminum is then removed from the mold.(Source: wikipedia)
Hydroforming adalah teknik pembentukan pipa dengan tekanan hidrolis untuk mendapatkan bentuk pipa sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan.
Keuntungan teknik hydroforming diantaranya:
- Memungkinkan untuk menghasilkan bentuk pipa yang kompleks yang sangat menunjang estetika.
- Tidak membutuhkan pelat sambungan untuk memperoleh bentuk yang kompleks sehingga frame sepeda tetap ringan. (Source:
Spoiler for 4 Bar Linkage Technology:
Four Bar
A Horst link suspension has one pivot behind the bottom bracket, with one pivot mounted at each of the chain stays, in front of the rear wheel drop-out (this pivot being the venerated "Horst link"), and one at the top of the leveraged shock linkage that connects to the seat stay.
The Horst Link patent system proved popular since its debut, becoming a standard for rear suspension designs using an 'active' model. Specialized bought several of Leitner's patents in May 1998, and other manufacturers in U.S. now license the Horst link design from Specialized for the use of the 'Horst link' or FSR suspension patent. It is used by companies such as Norco, Ellsworth, Titus, KHS, and Fuji. European manufacturers, such as Nicolai, Rotwild, Cube and others do use the same suspension design, but can not import it to the United States.(Source: wikipedia)
Sistem suspensi ini banyak dipakai secara luas. Kelebihan dari sistem suspensi ini dapat mengubah travel rear frame dengan mudah, hanya dengan memindahkan as suspensi pada tiga lubang yang tersedia. Pemindahan as suspensi tersebut disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan medan yang dilalui. Sehingga rider tidak akan membuang banyak energi untuk mengendarainya di berbagai macam medan. Sistem ini banyak diadopsi oleh merek-merek sepeda terkenal di dunia. (Source:
Spoiler for Fit Right Geometry:
What do we mean by bicycle geometry?
Its a complicated subject but, putting it as simply as possible, geometry is about the dimensions and angles of the frame and forks, which are at the heart of every bike.
The dimensions accompanying this article are also illuminating, but the best way to get a real feel for the difference that geometry makes is to ride a number of different bikes.
The differences in the way they ride can be startling. Were talking about three main aspects here:
- efficiency of pedalling;
- handling, particularly steering;
- comfort
Geometry frame Adrenaline Agent All Series didesain secara teliti agar sesuai dengan postur tubuh rata-rata orang Asia.
Geometri ini menghasilkan kenyamanan yang sangat di idamkan oleh para biker dan memberikan kendali sempurna untuk pemakaian di berbagai medan. (Source:
Spoiler for Warranty 5 Years:
Semua frame Adrenaline Agent digaransi 5 tahun, jadi pastikan kartu garansi dan bukti pembelian disimpan dengan baik
Rules of The Thread:
Demi menjaga ketertiban disini, ada beberapa aturan, mohon bisa dipatuhi bersama:
1. Dilarang keras ngejunk, bikin onar, nge-flame, dan menyinggung SARA
2. Dilarang berjualan menggelar lapaknya disini, gunakanlah sarana PM, atau via FJB
3. Photo2 sepeda rekan-rekan yang sudah pernah di-post, akan di-upload secara bertahap di page-1
4. Peraturan lainnya akan disesuaikan, setelah ada pembicaraan bersama rekan-rekan.
1. To Agan ah.myang sudah jadi thread starter (TS) untuk Wim Cycle Adrenaline Agent Series ini
2. To Agan bayuwhy selaku Momod di Forum Sepeda Kaskus yang sudah menunjuk TS utk menggantikan Agan ah.m mengelola thread ini