Kebetulan hari ini ulang tahun mac mini yang ke7, sembari browsing di TUAW, ada artikel bagus yang isinya perlu untuk dibagi disini
Here are some of our favorite ways to use minis in real life.
-Media Center.
The Mac mini gives you the media power of an Apple TV, a small footprint, and adds computing on top. Connect your Mini to an EyeTV or similar capture system, and you've created a workable DVR solution. Yes, Apple dropped FrontRow support with Lion, but we're very fond of Plex and XBMC.
-First Development Mac.
Intel minis make perfect "first" development Macs, offering a stepping stone into the Apple world for anyone reared on Windows or Linux. You can purchase a Mac, a dev membership, and all the accessories you need to get started with iOS development for under $1000. These minis also act as a gateway drug for many developers. From there, it's onto iMacs and MacBooks.
-Kid Computers.
Nothing says education like mini. Get your students started with a great Mac experience, at an affordable price. Most kid software, browsing, and email will run on older minis, so you can buy refurbished while knowing your kid can still get the job done.
- Embedded Systems.
Minis are easy to deploy to embedded systems, from kiosks to interactive museum exhibits. Their Apple lineage also means that servicing and warranties are taken care of through low-cost AppleCare.
-Windows Platforms.
One word: BootCamp. Your Mac mini may be one of the best Windows systems you ever owned.
ane udah dari bulan Maret pake Mac Mini.. reviewnya:
Wuihhh kenceng banget gan! Jendela ane dulu ramnya sama 4GB tapi buka MS Word aja laggg.. Kayak berasa pake iOS gan...
Hardisknya juga lega bgt.. 1TB cuy!! bingung mau diisiin apa.. soalnya udah punya Harddisk external gan... MBP ane yg cuma 160GB udah kayak kecil bgt nih...
OSX Mountain Lionnya keeceng gan... gak tau juga sih gimana kalau di MBP.. tapi kalau di MBP Retina Display punya ayah ane sih sama kencengnya.. soalnya MBP 2009 ane cuma di Lion gan (itu juga udah lemot)..
MBP Retina Display, MBP 2009, PC jadul ane (amd phenom ii x4) masih kalah senyap sama MM.. kayak tu komputer gak nyala aja gan! Coba aja ente kasih duit 10juta ke tukang rakit PC pasti dapetnya spek jadul, ribut, port USB3 Cuma PAJANGAN. (Pengalaman)
Alasan ane beli mac mini yaitu karena ane udah beli distro hackintosh (hazard iatkos) sama udah ngeburn DVD/CD Buat bootnya (iBoot, Nawcom, Famous, sampai Kalby bummby) tetep aja gak bisa di install...
tapi kekurangannya adalah:
- gak ada slot DVD... sama kayak di MBP Retina.. jadinya sekarang kalau mau install app harus masukin CDnya ke MBP jadul trus dicopy ke harddisk external..
- kalau pake monitor biasa (LG Flatron e1941) tajemnya masih kalah sama MBP 2009 apalagi MBP RETINA.. mau beli ACD belum cukup duitnya gan..
- nyesel gak beli magic trackpad.. cuma beli apple keyboard wireless.. ngiler setup di video (Apple ACD+Apple Magic Trackpad + Apple Wireless Keyboard + Mac Mini) alangkah indahnya hidup kalau bisa begini saat ini baru kesampean MacMini sama Keyboard wirelessnya aja...
- gara gara mac mini.. pc ane jadi teronggok di bawah tempat tidur.. MBP ane juga jadi gak kepake...
- Monitor mesti pake webcam biar bisa photo booth... (monitor ane LG FLATRON ) blum ada webcam
Canggihnya mac mini dapat dirasakan sepenuhnya jika kita punya duit lebih.. Sebenernya ane pengen iMac tapi lagi kosong.. akhirnya beli MM tapi begitu seminggu kemudian si iMac ada stoknya jadinya ane mikir "ah ini mac mini harus pake ACD biar gak nyesel beli iMac ).. sebenernya kalau aja acd bisa dimurahin 1juta.. ane udah membawa ACD ke rumah (budget 15jt)