kurfaniAvatar border
Buseett.. Nih bocah pikirannya ML (making love) mulu... Masuk gan
gan, ini trit ane di old kaskus, ane bawa pindah kesini yah, kali aja ada mo baca lagi.. gpp yah gan? jgn emoticon-Blue Guy Bata (L) yah gan.. Lempar emoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L) aja

There's a new teacher in a school.

Teacher: "what is the opposite of laughing?"
Student: "Making Love"
Teacher: "What?? why is that?"
Student: "Laughing is ha..ha...ha..., but making love is ah..ah...ah...."

Curiously, the teacher ask another question: "What is the opposite of crying?"
The same student:"making love madam"
Teacher: "Again??? Now will you explain why you keep answering with "that" again??"
Student: "Crying is hu..hu..hu..., but making love is uh..uh..uh..".

Anxiously, the teacher ask another quetion: "what is the opposite of santa claus?"
The same student: "making love madam..."
Teacher: "what a bloody nasty kid... now tell me what your reason is??"
Student: "when santa came up, he always say ho..ho..ho.., but making love is oh..oh..oh..."

Kalo emoticon-Ngakak wajib emoticon-Rate 5 Star or emoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L) yah gan...

Updet. Yaelah gan, ane kan niatnya ngehibur, klo g seneng g usah ngebata dong...
Diubah oleh kurfani 14-11-2014 02:28
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