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[Official] Action Hack N Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen

[Official] Action Hack N Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u396/bebexo2/C9_Wallpaper-1_zps26a761e9.png)
Game Title: C9 (Continent of the Ninth Seal) | Genre: Action Hack 'n Slash MMORPG | Developer : NHN Games | Publisher : Webzen | Pay System: Free to Play | Status : OBT
Official Website| Official Forum | Registration
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g444/lawaja/Facebook_48x48.png)
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Profession & Classes
Spoiler for Character, Class & Artisan Profesions:
For now, C9 characters are gender locked. Fighters and Hunters appear only as Males, while Shaman, Witchblade and Mystic only appear as Females.
Average attack and high defensive class. Uses a sword and a shield in combat. All attacks are close range. Unlike the other fighter classes the Berserker class uses a two-handed sword in combat instead of a shield and a long sword.
Elite Fighter
After reaching Level 10 you will receive a class quest. After finishing the whole questline you will receive the title "Elite Fighter". You can accept and finish the whole questline quests from your skill tutor. You will have to complete a few tests for the quests, but nothing big. You NEED to finish this before you can pick your advanced class (level 20)!!!
1. Warrior(Level 20)
The warrior uses both the power of flames and the power of ice fused within his sword to deal damage. Using melee and spell attacks, he can decimate enemies from close and afar.
2. Guardian (Level 20)
Specialized in defensive tactics and versatile with their shield, Guardians have the highest defense rating of any class.
3. Blademaster (Level 20)
While some fighters rush headlong into battle, Blademasters focus on using intricate sword techniques to thwart their opponents.
4. Berserker (Level 20)
Berserkers are well known for their massive greatswords and their powerful charges. They might be the slowest fighters, but their unrelenting power can quickly overwhelm any enemy.Berkersers can use Blood Points to increase the range and combo skills. This makes Berserkers well suited to Fighters who want to use combos to their full extent.
Shamans resemble the priest class in other games, but shamans in C9 can attack enemies using magic or a magic staff, which doubles as a weapon. After reaching level 20, shamans must choose whether to become an Elementalist, Taoist, Illusionist, Reaperess or Soulist.
Elite Shaman
After reaching Level 10 you will receive a class quest. After finishing the whole questline you will receive the title "Elite Shaman". You can accept and finish the whole questline quests from your skill tutor. You will have to complete a few tests for the quests, but nothing big. You NEED to finish this before you can pick your advanced class (level 20)!!!
1. Elementalist(Level 20)
Elementalists use many different AoE magic attacks to kill their foes. They branch into two builds; one which concentrates on flying and AoE and the other which uses mainly staff-based attacks at close to mid range. For PvE look to the Circle Shine build and for PvP, the Circle Shade.
They use wide area elemental magics with their Rod which they hold in both hands. They can shift between Shine and Shade stances and are able to summon spirits (Ifrit, Siaphe).
2. Taoist (Level 20)
A subclass of the Shaman class. Taoists can use both physical and magical skills, they have multiple dazing attacks and use wide-range melee atttacks. Extremely fast melee attacks and extremely high damage. Their fighting style is different from the rest of the shaman subclasses.
Taoists have buffs that allow them to tank temporarily.
Taoists use a Rod, held in both hands.
3. Illusionist (Level 20)
This class specializes in magic that clouds the mind and misleads foes. Illusionists are capable of summoning phantoms and serve as powerful defensive sorcerers.
4. Reaperess (Level 20)
The Reaper class is just what you might think. They use a scythe instead of staff, and have many dark attacks. They devastate at close range and have incredible speed and decent mobbing capabilities. Ironically, they can't take a hit though. Very weak defenses, as you might expect when you give a scythe to a mage.
They use Battle scythes which they hold in both hands and use them effectively, they can cause bleeding and they are very elusive.
5. Soulist (Level 20)
Featuring long-range magical attacks and incredible surges of strength, Soulist is the fifth advancement within the Shaman class. Utilizing a mystical orb as her primary weapon, this character can launch powerful offensive strikes, while evading attacks from her enemies. By tapping into the power of the orb, she can transform into another being and inflict explosive damage on all those who oppose her. After transformation, the character’s speed increases and some of her skills are strengthened. Soulist can also assist her allies in battle by enfeebling her enemies.
Hunters stalk their prey before attacking them from a distance. Their weapons include daggers to quickly dispatch enemies that get too close, and bows to deal devastating attacks from far away. Eventually, hunters have to choose from the specialized classes available to them, and they may choose to become an Assassin, Ranger, or Scout, Shadow or Gunslinger.
Elite Hunter
After reaching Level 10 you will receive a class quest. After finishing the whole questline you will receive the title "Elite Hunter". You can accept and finish the whole questline quests from your skill tutor. You will have to complete a few tests for the quests, but nothing big. You NEED to finish this before you can pick your advanced class (level 20)!!!
1. Assassin(Level 20)
Assassins have excellent mobility and fight using multiple skill combos. They can also use traps. If that all isn't enough yet, they are super fast in knocking out their opponent. Very good PvP class.
Even though there is no counter to this class, it is simply very hard to play and requires alot of practice. The assassins gameplay is very fast and skill-dependent, aswell as expirience dependent.
They use a dagger or blade in their right hand and carry a bow in their left.
2. Ranger (Level 20)
Rangers are specialized in ranged attacks. They have an excellent range and can kill pretty much everything with this range. They also have excellent survival skills if it comes to close combat. They are wonderful solo in PvE, and it is said they can even solo Hell Bosses.
Rangers carry a dagger or blade in their right hand, in their left a bow.
3. Scout (Level 20)
The Scout is a long range fighting class focused on remote attacks, using various traps. Their specialty is the enchantment-based elemental attacks from afar. And they can use both physical and magical attacks.
Their right hand carries a dagger or blade, their left a single bow.
4. Shadow (Level 20)
Shadows concentrate on closer-ranged attacks. Leaving behind the classes' traditional bow, they take up the dagger instead for both hands. They concentrate on stealthy attacks, along with dark and various other skills.
They have excellent mobility and use multiple skill combos. Their fast attack speed and deadly tricks knock out opponents easily.
Note: This is the only Hunter class that doesn't require arrows to buy because he is doesn't use bow but dual dagger.
5. Gunslinger (Level 20)
The Gunslinger is the 5th Hunter advancement class that specializes in long and close-range attacks with dynamic skill effects which take down and knock back targets with dual pistols and shotguns.
Witchblades are natives to Blaine's Shalidi, once the gathering place of the gods, an area imbued with the mysterious powers of ancient deities. Tireless efforts allowed the Witchblades to eventually absorb these powers and become elite Witchblades – capable of both lightning-quick physical attacks and potent magical abilities.
Elite Witchblade
After reaching Level 10 you will receive a class quest. After finishing the whole questline you will receive the title "Elite Witchblade". You can accept and finish the whole questline quests from your skill tutor. You will have to complete a few tests for the quests, but nothing big. You need to finish this before you can pick your advanced class at level 20.
1. Warden(Level 20)
Wardens specialize in freezing attacks using ice magic. They can summon creatures to help them fight (Skulljape, Cylius), or make them tank enemies so they themselves can strike from afar. They have a wide area magic with lots of AoEs, which make them perfect farmers. Wardens are best at PvE, but every now and then you'll see one that excells in PvP.
Witchblade use Arc Dagger and Arc Blade.
2. Slayer (Level 20)
Slayers are a close-range version of witchblade that ignores magic, for the most part. They are fast and strong, but are bad at anything but close range. What they lack in range they make up for in damage, and can easily be one of the best classes when used right. Amazing at PvP and bosses, with a few aerial and grabbing attacks.
Using the Arc Dagger and Arc Blade, they master grab attacks and charge attacks. They also have multiple skill combos to knock out their enemies fast.
3. Blade Dancer (Level 20)
The Bladedancer is what you might think, they dance with their blades. With many circular motioned attacks and good ability to strike many enemies at once, they dance around their foes, killing them all the while. They are good all around, being good at mobbing, PvP, mobility, etc., though they have few magic-based attacks and no magical range.
They cannot use daggers, Instead, they use two arc blades as weapons. They are specialized in primary attacks, and their attacks cause buffs/debuffs.
Mystic is a melee fighter that can perform powerful omnidirectional attacks. She possesses a wide array of AoE skills that are unavailable to other classes, which also allows her to advance to an Elite class quicker than other characters. Her primary weapon is a massive hammer, which she smashes vehemently into the ground to cause paralyzing tremors in the earth. These shockwaves can wipe out even the most powerful of enemies.
Elite Mystic
After reaching Level 10 you will receive a class quest. After finishing the whole questline you will receive the title "Elite Mystic". You can accept and finish the whole questline quests from your skill tutor. You will have to complete a few tests for the quests, but nothing big. You need to finish this before you can pick your advanced class at level 20.
Overview: This profession mainly make combat weapon and metal armor, high durable assistant consumable props and metallic decorations in Guild Room.
Materials: need a lot of materials, iron fragments, gold fragments and so on, and armor enhancement component fragments.
Usage: The core usage is making weapons and armors, we also can make armor enhancement component, fix tools, make bomb, throwing weapon, arrows, bullet etc. And combat related items etc.
Recommend Class: Hunter - by learn this crafting, hunter can produce arrows.
Overview: make HP and MP potions, all attributes of attack/defense buff potions, polyjuice potions.
Materials: use many strange materials, such as Goblin's paw fragments, scorching paw fragments, the element of earth powder and so on.
Usage: While you are busy of upgrading, promote your alchemy skill at the same time, so that you can just consume the HP and MP potions. Moreover, you can use existing materials to transform the gem, attribute material, etc.
Recommend Class: melee classes.
Overview: make all kinds of food which use to increase abilities' buff, different food's increased degree is different. The food has level limits, and the cooldown time is longer.
Materials: edible materials, such as spicy rye, barley, kiwi of cave.
Usage: different foods have different usage level, there are three kinds: food, drink and snack. They are used to improve different abilities. Food - increase physical strength and power, Drink - increase intelligence and wisdom, snack - improve some special attributes. Usually the buff time is about 10 to 20 minutes.
Recommend Class: no value.
Overview: the woodworker can make based materials of equipments(bow, shield for example), all kinds of attribute/quality necklace, different function of furniture for Guild Room. Besides, the matchstick they produced can group recovery HP and MP when fight in dungeons.
Materials: all kinds of wood and wood shavings.
Usage: accessories, group recovery matchstick, fire attributes compound wood(which is needments for compound fire attributes Advanced Enhancement Stone.)
Recommend Class: Hunter, Fighter.
Overview: use fabric, fur and string to make leather armors, make armor enhancement components, make textiles products of Guild Room.
Materials: the materials are focused on small ranges. There are Fibre, fur fragments, armor enhancement component fragments.
Gear: make fabric and leather armors.
Enhancement: make fabric and leather enhancement components.
Guild Room: make textiles decorations of Guild Room.
Recommend Class: Shaman, Female players.
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/oi62.tinypic.com/28ixkco.jpg)
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/oi62.tinypic.com/28ixkco.jpg)
Average attack and high defensive class. Uses a sword and a shield in combat. All attacks are close range. Unlike the other fighter classes the Berserker class uses a two-handed sword in combat instead of a shield and a long sword.
Elite Fighter
After reaching Level 10 you will receive a class quest. After finishing the whole questline you will receive the title "Elite Fighter". You can accept and finish the whole questline quests from your skill tutor. You will have to complete a few tests for the quests, but nothing big. You NEED to finish this before you can pick your advanced class (level 20)!!!
1. Warrior(Level 20)
The warrior uses both the power of flames and the power of ice fused within his sword to deal damage. Using melee and spell attacks, he can decimate enemies from close and afar.
2. Guardian (Level 20)
Specialized in defensive tactics and versatile with their shield, Guardians have the highest defense rating of any class.
3. Blademaster (Level 20)
While some fighters rush headlong into battle, Blademasters focus on using intricate sword techniques to thwart their opponents.
4. Berserker (Level 20)
Berserkers are well known for their massive greatswords and their powerful charges. They might be the slowest fighters, but their unrelenting power can quickly overwhelm any enemy.Berkersers can use Blood Points to increase the range and combo skills. This makes Berserkers well suited to Fighters who want to use combos to their full extent.
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/oi60.tinypic.com/2yoxukj.jpg)
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/oi60.tinypic.com/2yoxukj.jpg)
Shamans resemble the priest class in other games, but shamans in C9 can attack enemies using magic or a magic staff, which doubles as a weapon. After reaching level 20, shamans must choose whether to become an Elementalist, Taoist, Illusionist, Reaperess or Soulist.
Elite Shaman
After reaching Level 10 you will receive a class quest. After finishing the whole questline you will receive the title "Elite Shaman". You can accept and finish the whole questline quests from your skill tutor. You will have to complete a few tests for the quests, but nothing big. You NEED to finish this before you can pick your advanced class (level 20)!!!
1. Elementalist(Level 20)
Elementalists use many different AoE magic attacks to kill their foes. They branch into two builds; one which concentrates on flying and AoE and the other which uses mainly staff-based attacks at close to mid range. For PvE look to the Circle Shine build and for PvP, the Circle Shade.
They use wide area elemental magics with their Rod which they hold in both hands. They can shift between Shine and Shade stances and are able to summon spirits (Ifrit, Siaphe).
2. Taoist (Level 20)
A subclass of the Shaman class. Taoists can use both physical and magical skills, they have multiple dazing attacks and use wide-range melee atttacks. Extremely fast melee attacks and extremely high damage. Their fighting style is different from the rest of the shaman subclasses.
Taoists have buffs that allow them to tank temporarily.
Taoists use a Rod, held in both hands.
3. Illusionist (Level 20)
This class specializes in magic that clouds the mind and misleads foes. Illusionists are capable of summoning phantoms and serve as powerful defensive sorcerers.
4. Reaperess (Level 20)
The Reaper class is just what you might think. They use a scythe instead of staff, and have many dark attacks. They devastate at close range and have incredible speed and decent mobbing capabilities. Ironically, they can't take a hit though. Very weak defenses, as you might expect when you give a scythe to a mage.
They use Battle scythes which they hold in both hands and use them effectively, they can cause bleeding and they are very elusive.
5. Soulist (Level 20)
Featuring long-range magical attacks and incredible surges of strength, Soulist is the fifth advancement within the Shaman class. Utilizing a mystical orb as her primary weapon, this character can launch powerful offensive strikes, while evading attacks from her enemies. By tapping into the power of the orb, she can transform into another being and inflict explosive damage on all those who oppose her. After transformation, the character’s speed increases and some of her skills are strengthened. Soulist can also assist her allies in battle by enfeebling her enemies.
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/oi62.tinypic.com/242bbmb.jpg)
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/oi62.tinypic.com/242bbmb.jpg)
Hunters stalk their prey before attacking them from a distance. Their weapons include daggers to quickly dispatch enemies that get too close, and bows to deal devastating attacks from far away. Eventually, hunters have to choose from the specialized classes available to them, and they may choose to become an Assassin, Ranger, or Scout, Shadow or Gunslinger.
Elite Hunter
After reaching Level 10 you will receive a class quest. After finishing the whole questline you will receive the title "Elite Hunter". You can accept and finish the whole questline quests from your skill tutor. You will have to complete a few tests for the quests, but nothing big. You NEED to finish this before you can pick your advanced class (level 20)!!!
1. Assassin(Level 20)
Assassins have excellent mobility and fight using multiple skill combos. They can also use traps. If that all isn't enough yet, they are super fast in knocking out their opponent. Very good PvP class.
Even though there is no counter to this class, it is simply very hard to play and requires alot of practice. The assassins gameplay is very fast and skill-dependent, aswell as expirience dependent.
They use a dagger or blade in their right hand and carry a bow in their left.
2. Ranger (Level 20)
Rangers are specialized in ranged attacks. They have an excellent range and can kill pretty much everything with this range. They also have excellent survival skills if it comes to close combat. They are wonderful solo in PvE, and it is said they can even solo Hell Bosses.
Rangers carry a dagger or blade in their right hand, in their left a bow.
3. Scout (Level 20)
The Scout is a long range fighting class focused on remote attacks, using various traps. Their specialty is the enchantment-based elemental attacks from afar. And they can use both physical and magical attacks.
Their right hand carries a dagger or blade, their left a single bow.
4. Shadow (Level 20)
Shadows concentrate on closer-ranged attacks. Leaving behind the classes' traditional bow, they take up the dagger instead for both hands. They concentrate on stealthy attacks, along with dark and various other skills.
They have excellent mobility and use multiple skill combos. Their fast attack speed and deadly tricks knock out opponents easily.
Note: This is the only Hunter class that doesn't require arrows to buy because he is doesn't use bow but dual dagger.
5. Gunslinger (Level 20)
The Gunslinger is the 5th Hunter advancement class that specializes in long and close-range attacks with dynamic skill effects which take down and knock back targets with dual pistols and shotguns.
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/oi57.tinypic.com/akcps6.jpg)
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/oi57.tinypic.com/akcps6.jpg)
Witchblades are natives to Blaine's Shalidi, once the gathering place of the gods, an area imbued with the mysterious powers of ancient deities. Tireless efforts allowed the Witchblades to eventually absorb these powers and become elite Witchblades – capable of both lightning-quick physical attacks and potent magical abilities.
Elite Witchblade
After reaching Level 10 you will receive a class quest. After finishing the whole questline you will receive the title "Elite Witchblade". You can accept and finish the whole questline quests from your skill tutor. You will have to complete a few tests for the quests, but nothing big. You need to finish this before you can pick your advanced class at level 20.
1. Warden(Level 20)
Wardens specialize in freezing attacks using ice magic. They can summon creatures to help them fight (Skulljape, Cylius), or make them tank enemies so they themselves can strike from afar. They have a wide area magic with lots of AoEs, which make them perfect farmers. Wardens are best at PvE, but every now and then you'll see one that excells in PvP.
Witchblade use Arc Dagger and Arc Blade.
2. Slayer (Level 20)
Slayers are a close-range version of witchblade that ignores magic, for the most part. They are fast and strong, but are bad at anything but close range. What they lack in range they make up for in damage, and can easily be one of the best classes when used right. Amazing at PvP and bosses, with a few aerial and grabbing attacks.
Using the Arc Dagger and Arc Blade, they master grab attacks and charge attacks. They also have multiple skill combos to knock out their enemies fast.
3. Blade Dancer (Level 20)
The Bladedancer is what you might think, they dance with their blades. With many circular motioned attacks and good ability to strike many enemies at once, they dance around their foes, killing them all the while. They are good all around, being good at mobbing, PvP, mobility, etc., though they have few magic-based attacks and no magical range.
They cannot use daggers, Instead, they use two arc blades as weapons. They are specialized in primary attacks, and their attacks cause buffs/debuffs.
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/oi60.tinypic.com/2wh1ic0.jpg)
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/oi60.tinypic.com/2wh1ic0.jpg)
Mystic is a melee fighter that can perform powerful omnidirectional attacks. She possesses a wide array of AoE skills that are unavailable to other classes, which also allows her to advance to an Elite class quicker than other characters. Her primary weapon is a massive hammer, which she smashes vehemently into the ground to cause paralyzing tremors in the earth. These shockwaves can wipe out even the most powerful of enemies.
Elite Mystic
After reaching Level 10 you will receive a class quest. After finishing the whole questline you will receive the title "Elite Mystic". You can accept and finish the whole questline quests from your skill tutor. You will have to complete a few tests for the quests, but nothing big. You need to finish this before you can pick your advanced class at level 20.
Five Artisan Professions Intro:
1. Metalworking
Metalworking NPC Apperance
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i40.tinypic.com/2cru244.jpg)
Metalworking NPC Apperance
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i40.tinypic.com/2cru244.jpg)
Overview: This profession mainly make combat weapon and metal armor, high durable assistant consumable props and metallic decorations in Guild Room.
Materials: need a lot of materials, iron fragments, gold fragments and so on, and armor enhancement component fragments.
Usage: The core usage is making weapons and armors, we also can make armor enhancement component, fix tools, make bomb, throwing weapon, arrows, bullet etc. And combat related items etc.
Recommend Class: Hunter - by learn this crafting, hunter can produce arrows.
2. Alchemy
Alchemy NPC Apperance
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i39.tinypic.com/257dqwg.jpg)
Alchemy NPC Apperance
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i39.tinypic.com/257dqwg.jpg)
Overview: make HP and MP potions, all attributes of attack/defense buff potions, polyjuice potions.
Materials: use many strange materials, such as Goblin's paw fragments, scorching paw fragments, the element of earth powder and so on.
Usage: While you are busy of upgrading, promote your alchemy skill at the same time, so that you can just consume the HP and MP potions. Moreover, you can use existing materials to transform the gem, attribute material, etc.
Recommend Class: melee classes.
3. Chef
Chef NPC Apperance
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i40.tinypic.com/2qmi421.jpg)
Chef NPC Apperance
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i40.tinypic.com/2qmi421.jpg)
Overview: make all kinds of food which use to increase abilities' buff, different food's increased degree is different. The food has level limits, and the cooldown time is longer.
Materials: edible materials, such as spicy rye, barley, kiwi of cave.
Usage: different foods have different usage level, there are three kinds: food, drink and snack. They are used to improve different abilities. Food - increase physical strength and power, Drink - increase intelligence and wisdom, snack - improve some special attributes. Usually the buff time is about 10 to 20 minutes.
Recommend Class: no value.
4. Woodworking
Woodworking NPC Apperance
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i41.tinypic.com/rbf79j.jpg)
Woodworking NPC Apperance
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i41.tinypic.com/rbf79j.jpg)
Overview: the woodworker can make based materials of equipments(bow, shield for example), all kinds of attribute/quality necklace, different function of furniture for Guild Room. Besides, the matchstick they produced can group recovery HP and MP when fight in dungeons.
Materials: all kinds of wood and wood shavings.
Usage: accessories, group recovery matchstick, fire attributes compound wood(which is needments for compound fire attributes Advanced Enhancement Stone.)
Recommend Class: Hunter, Fighter.
5. Tailor
Tailor NPC Apperance
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i43.tinypic.com/124ubli.jpg)
Tailor NPC Apperance
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i43.tinypic.com/124ubli.jpg)
Overview: use fabric, fur and string to make leather armors, make armor enhancement components, make textiles products of Guild Room.
Materials: the materials are focused on small ranges. There are Fibre, fur fragments, armor enhancement component fragments.
Gear: make fabric and leather armors.
Enhancement: make fabric and leather enhancement components.
Guild Room: make textiles decorations of Guild Room.
Recommend Class: Shaman, Female players.
Spoiler for ss:
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u396/bebexo2/C9CharacterProgression1_zpse8a3caeb.jpg)
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u396/bebexo2/C9DungeonScore1_zps2f0915fb.jpg)
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u396/bebexo2/20120718TSHX8T7QQ6TJGEUU_zps27d31f95.png)
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u396/bebexo2/7_zpse0d1b878.jpg)
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u396/bebexo2/6_zpsd4ac48a9.jpg)
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u396/bebexo2/8_zpsff409ffb.jpg)
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u396/bebexo2/9_zps44bb3619.jpg)
Video Gameplay & Trailer
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Trailer Movie

Gameplay Trailer

Update New Class: Nightstalker
5 March 2014

System Requirement
Spoiler for sys req:
![[Official] Action Hack N' Slash : Continent Of The Ninth Seal [C9S] - Global Webzen](https://dl.kaskus.id/i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u396/bebexo2/c9_SR_zpsc7729554.png)
Download Link:
Spoiler for :
Original Posted By Ellyos►
kalo mau pilih mirror yg laen selaen atomicgamer mungkin bisa juga sih, cuman ane saranin pake yg itu soalnya waktu ane mau coba download dulu banyak yg nggak bisa linknya & atomicgamer salah 1 link yg worked
kalo mau pilih mirror yg laen selaen atomicgamer mungkin bisa juga sih, cuman ane saranin pake yg itu soalnya waktu ane mau coba download dulu banyak yg nggak bisa linknya & atomicgamer salah 1 link yg worked

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Which Class will you Choose ?
Diubah oleh Ellyos 08-06-2014 04:43

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